
Pipette Maintenance Rules

Pipettes are common and necessary laboratory equipment in the laboratory, and the experimenter must be very cautious about their daily use. However, many people will ignore the related maintenance and maintenance of the pipette after use.
Precautions for maintenance:
1. Regularly clean the pipette, soapy water or 60% isopropyl alcohol is an effective way to clean the pipette, then rinse with distilled water, and finally dry naturally.
2. Before high-temperature sterilization, make sure the pipette can adapt to high temperatures.
3. If not used, adjust the range of the pipette to the value scale to keep the spring in a relaxed state to protect the spring.
4. Calibrate by repeating the method of weighing distilled water several times in a 20-25 degree environment.
5. Check for leaks during use. The method is to take the liquid and then hang it vertically for a few seconds to see if the liquid level is falling. If there is liquid leakage, the reasons are as follows:
a) whether the spring piston is normal;
b) whether the gun heads match;
c) If it is a volatile liquid (as is the case with many organic solvents), it may be a problem of saturated vapor pressure.
You can pipette several times and then pipette. For the pipette, not only must it be carefully protected during use, but also should pay attention to some maintenance items of the pipette after use. Only when the use is consistent before and after use can make the pipette have a longer service life and better efficiency.
Pipette Maintenance Rules

