
Why do We Recommend Bottle-Top Dispensers?

If you want to dispense an aliquot of liquid from bottles, the bottle-top dispensers always provide the best results for your lab in the way of productively dispensing and no reagent wasting.
Depending on what you need, the important factors of choosing the bottle-top dispenser include the volumes and the type of the liquids you will dispense such as strong acids and bases, organic solvents, saline solutions, etc.
You always need to make sure that your liquid handling settlement is properly calibrated, and up to a high standard every single time. Calibrating bottle top dispenser is an important step to guarantee your liquids dispense is precise and accurate in the lab. Scientists prefer to use a pipette correctly calibrated, the situation is the same when dispensing liquids using bottle top dispensers. Be aware of checking out the bottle-top dispenser calibration all the time.
Combined with perfect calibrating equipment, the good quality bottle-top dispensers will be achieving the best results, saving your lab money with no more reagent loss, and avoiding the annoying repeated experiments and extra working hours in the lab.

