
Categories and Materials of Bottle-Top Dispenser

Categories of bottle-top dispenser

The division of the bottle-top dispenser is relatively simple, and the standard one is definitely popular in Hawach. Specific sorts are demonstrated in the chart below.
For the materials, there are usually optical glass, Al2O3, ETFE, PFA, FEP, PTFE, alloy of platinum and rhodium and PP.
What is noticeable is that, during the application of the bottle-top dispenser, seven solutions certainly have no access. The numbers and named liquors are listed here.
NO.Solution Type
1The liquid that can react to ETFE, FEP, PEA and Al2O3, like sodium azide.
2The liquid that can corrode optical glass such as hydrofluoric acid(HF).
3The liquid that can have catalytic decomposition reaction with platinum rhodium alloy, like H2O2.
4Nicotinic acid, trifluoroacetic acid and tetrahydrofuran
5Explosive liquid, like carbon disulfide
6Suspension, like carbon-contained solution
7Limited solutions, including concentrated hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, chlorine-generation and fluorine-generation hydrocarbons, which can form precipitates and then cause piston viscosity or clogging.

Categories and Materials of Bottle-Top Dispenser

