
Chromatographic Classification Method

There are many types of chromatographic methods, and different classification methods can be used from different perspectives.
Classification from the state of two phases. In the chromatography, the mobile phase may be a gas or a liquid, and thus can be classified into gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (LC). The stationary phase can be either a solid or a liquid coated on a solid, thereby separating gas chromatography and liquid chromatography into gas-liquid chromatography, gas-solid chromatography, liquid-solid chromatography, liquid-liquid chromatography.
The earliest application of chromatography was to separate plant pigments by placing calcium carbonate in a glass tube and pouring petroleum ether containing plant pigments (plant leaf extract) into the tube. At this point, a mixed band of several colors appears immediately at the upper end of the glass tube. Then rinse with pure petroleum ether. With the addition of petroleum ether, the band will continuously move downwards and gradually divide into bands of several different colors. After further washing, the pigments of various colors can be respectively obtained, and respectively Identification. Chromatography is also named after this.
The current chromatography method has long been not limited to the separation of pigments, and its method has been greatly developed, but the principle of separation is still the same. We still call it chromatographic analysis.

