
Feeling China’s Speed In Epidemic Prevention and Control

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China has mobilized rapidly throughout the country, from medical and nursing staff, civil servants and soldiers, to volunteers and ordinary people, to respond to the epidemic in their respective positions. The Chinese people’s hard work and the spiritual outlook they have shown have demonstrated the strength of the will to make a city and amaze the world.
China’s effective prevention and control measures have earned time for other countries to fight the epidemic. China’s measures are very strict, which is necessary. China’s ability to contain the epidemic largely stemmed from these powerful measures. Always putting people’s lives and health in the first place is the first principle of China’s response to the epidemic. The huge sacrifices made by the people of Wuhan and Hubei have made important contributions not only to China but also to the world in fighting the epidemic. Relevant measures have had a certain impact on the Chinese economy, but these measures are aimed at containing the epidemic as soon as possible, saving lives, and restoring normal economic and social operating order as soon as possible.
The epidemic tests everything. Although the media have called on people to defend against viruses and not specific groups of people, in the face of fear, there are still some people who are difficult to distinguish the two scientifically, which has led to some Chinese and even Asians being discriminated against in some countries. Discrimination is a sign of ignorance. Although this behavior is not worth refuting, it is indeed a major resistance for humans to jointly fight the epidemic. The social panic caused by the epidemic has also tested the governance capabilities of countries. In some countries, panic has spread. The general mood of the Chinese people has remained stable due to the strong mobilization ability released by the strong and effective leadership of the Chinese government.

