
We Are United In Fighting Against The Epidemic

The outbreak is ruthless. Medical staff is reluctant to reunite, leave their wives and mothers, abandon their sons and leave their homes, risking their lives. More than 50 medical teams and more than 6,000 medical workers are helping Wuhan … one by one, “petitions”, one by one with loved ones Letters of condolences, life-saving and wounded hearts, and the figures of angels in white going backward made countless people tearful.
They were not afraid of life and death, but bravely and firmly moved to the battlefield to fight the epidemic and save lives. “The epidemic is endless and we are not dispersed.” The words of a post-90s nurse in the epidemic “Red Zone” moved countless people. The current disaster is not shrinking, and the harder it is, the more we move forward. They are the most beautiful “retrograde” in the new era, and they are the most respectable heroes of our time.
The epidemic is severe and there is a shortage of supplies. Before the disaster, regardless of color, race, or borders. Caring people and volunteers donated materials in a timely manner. Foreign students tried their best to send protective equipment to the country. Foreign friends also extended a helping hand to China, sending batches of medical supplies to Hubei.
This battle without gunpowder is still being persevered. Despite the hardships, we are all committed to the city. In addition to the staff on the front line of the “War Epidemic”, all kinds of people in all walks of life have contributed their own strength.
For most people, the Spring Festival is a sparkling firework in the night sky, a surprise red envelope, or a reunion and harmony in the background of the Spring Festival Evening. But for some people, the Spring Festival is not different from the past, even more, difficult challenges, the key that cannot be relaxed.
There is an old man of 84 years old. He called on people: “Don’t go to Wuhan without special circumstances.” However, he has already rushed to the forefront to learn about the epidemic on the ground. “My motivation comes from the threat to human life from the disease.” After the outbreak, the old man kept walking around Guangzhou and Hubei to interpret the latest situation for the public.

