
An Article Teaches You To Know CBD Oil

With the popularity of the industrial cannabis market, more and more products are available. Among them, hemp oil accounts for a large market share. Next, Hawach introduced an article detailing the use of hemp oil, which is CBD Oil.

CBD status
CBD is the main chemical component in industrial cannabis. The content of each part of cannabis is usually decreased in the order of bracts, flowers, leaves, thin stems, and thick stems. The highest content is in the flowers and leaves of female flowers, so usually choose the floral leaves Extract CBD. When people use CBD oil, only 20% of the active ingredients can be absorbed, which means that to make CBD effective, the process requirements of the CBD extraction process are extremely high. CBD oil contains a high concentration of CBD. The THC content is less than 0.3% or 0. Due to different manufacturing processes, the color of CBD oil appears light yellow or golden yellow.

CBD medical value
CBD oil is very popular in the medical industry, mainly because CBD has a large number of health benefits.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory: CBD exerts analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects by double inhibition of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase, and the effect is stronger than the well-known and widely used aspirin.

Know CBD Oil

Anti-epilepsy: GABA neurotransmitters in the human brain have a sedative effect and suppress the excitability of the central brain. CBD can help control the consumption of GABA neurotransmitters, suppress brain excitement, reduce seizures, and can also help improve the efficacy of other antiepileptic drugs.

Anti-anxiety: Endocannabinoids is an important substance that helps depression patients reduce their anxiety and exists in the body. CBD can help maintain endogenous cannabinoids at a reasonable level, make patients feel good and happy, and will not be addicted like THC.

Pure CBD oil can be used alone as a daily supplement, or it can be injected into products such as tinctures, liquids, capsules, topical medicines, and e-cigarette oil. It can also be purified through a proprietary filtration process to remove all excess plant materials and compounds except CBD, to make a high-concentration powder called CBD isolate.

CBD skincare effect
CBD ingredients are used in skincare products, and have the functions of whitening, anti-oxidation, wrinkle reduction, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-acne, repair deep basal cells, deep clean the skin, relieve eczema and skin problems.

Because CBD has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, under the influence of beauty editors and KOLs, health-conscious consumers regard CBD as an effective ingredient. Of course, many brands are also scrambling to put them into products.

In the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and other regions, CBD has been used as an effective ingredient in cosmetics, added to serums, lotions, masks, and other products, and as a major selling point, in addition to skincare products, there are CBD bath foam, eyelashes Creams, lip glosses, and other products will also be available soon.

Brands that currently launch CBD skincare products are mainly concentrated in Europe and the United States, especially in North America. Independent brands and women-led brands, such as HighBeauty and LordJones, which have been launched on Sephora’s official website, have launched skincare products that contain CBD ingredients. Goods.

CBD market value
If CBD beauty is included in the cannabis industry, the value of the entire CBD market may be between the US $ 50 billion and the US $ 100 billion. In the future, CBD skincare will become a popular trend.

In the next ten years, CBD beauty products alone can reach 25 billion US dollars and will occupy 15% of the entire skincare market.

Judging from the value of CBD, I believe there will be more and better products in the near future. When purchasing related products, check whether the CBD content of the product meets your own requirements and whether it is suitable for you.

Hawach provides CBD purification molecular distillation equipment for your choice.

An Article Teaches You To Know CBD Oil

