
Filter Physical Specifications And Performance

To obtain accurate separation of your sample, mobile phase, and other liquid, the perfect tool that you need is laboratory filters. An analysis of physical specifications and performance specifications is required when selecting filters.
Physical specifications for laboratory filters include sample size, pore size, filtration, and filter shape. Sample size indicates the maximum amount that filters can accept, especially for syringe filters and centrifugal filters. Pore size indicates if the filters retain particles of a specific size with an efficiency rate less than 100 %, generally 90% – 98% upon different rating methods.
The effective filtration area refers to the total, usable filter area. Usually, the larger the filter area and the faster the flow rate at a different pressure, the larger the throughput volume before the filter get clogged.
Performance specifications for laboratory filters include flow rate and hold-up volume. Flow rate indicates the volume of a liquid flowing through the filter at a fixed pressure and temperature. Hold-up volume is the maximum volume that the filter can retain your sample. particle retention size, porosity, and maximum pressure also need to be concerned.Filter Physical Specifications And Performance

