
What’s SPE Method?

Solid phase extraction is a sample preparation method based on the chromatographic analysis. Solid phase extraction includes a solid phase (adsorbent with a certain functional group) and a liquid phase (sample and solvent). The liquid sample passes through a solid phase extraction device (extraction column, extraction membrane, extraction nozzle, etc.) equipped with a solid adsorbent under positive pressure, negative pressure or gravity.
Where we can use SPE method?
Environmental protection analysis, food analysis, drug analysis, expert testimony, life science field, etc.
Why people prefer to use SPE method?
First sample pretreatment is a very very important step for every experiment. There’s a data shows that during a whole sample analysis test, sample pretreatment takes a 61% importance of the whole process which occupies the first position. 27% of data processing follows behind, sampling and analyzing both has the same percentage of importance as 6%.
Are there any advantages of the SPE method?
Sure, there are lots of advantages of using the SPE method, no emulsification phenomenon, automation, consistent results, perfect reproducibility, saving reagents, better selectivity by changing paddings.
HAWACH SPE Catridges offer various paddings which can suit for all your laboratory requirements. You can ask us for more information info@hawach.com.

