
Cleaning and Usage of Pipettor

 Cleaning Process of Pipettor

1. Cleaning with chromic acid lotion: insert the lower mouth of the pipettor into the lotion bottle, absorb the lotion to 2-3 cm above the line with the ear-washing ball, press the tube mouth with the index finger, and put the glue head of a dropper on the upper mouth of the pipettor.

2. Cleaning with tap water: place the pipettor washed with lotion under the tap, open the water valve, and make the water flow from the upper mouth of the pipettor. When the water is filled with the lower part of the pipettor and the ball part of the pipettor, press the upper mouth of the pipettor with the index finger, cross the tube, hold the two ends of the pipettor with the thumb and index finger, rotate the pipettor, and make the water cover the inner wall of the whole tube. When the solution flows 2-3 cm from the upper mouth, stand upright and release the water from the tip. Wash the pipettor 3 times with tap water.

3. Cleaning with deionized water: wash with tap water, also want to wash 3 times. Then use filter paper to absorb the water inside and outside the lower end of the pipettor.

Standard 8 & 12 Channel Adjustable Pipettes

4. Cleaning with a designated solution: before removing the solution with the pipettor, the removed solution must be washed 3 times. Take a certain amount of solution with a clean and dry beaker, inhale the solution into the ball of the pipettor, immediately press the pipe mouth with your index finger (try not to reflux the solution so as not to dilute), cross the tube, hold the two ends of the pipettor with your thumb and index finger, rotate the pipettor and fill the inner wall of the tube.

Usage of Pipettor
1. Liquid-removing process: The right thumb and middle finger hold the place above the neck mark, extend the tip of the pipettor into the liquid to be removed, wash the ear ball in the left hand, press the tip of the pipettor tightly on the pipettor. When the liquid level in the tube rises above the marked line, quickly take away the ear washing ball, press the tube mouth with the right index finger, wipe the solution of the outer wall of the lower end of the tube neck with filter paper, and lean the container for 30°.

Relax the index finger slightly and gently rotate the pipettor with the thumb and middle finger to make the liquid level drop smoothly until the meniscus of the liquid level is tangent to the marking line, that is, press the index finger to make the liquid no longer flow out.

2. Liquid-releasing process: transfer the pipettor into the container ready to accept the solution, make the lower end contact the inclined wall, and relax the index finger to make the liquid flow out freely. The container should be tilted so that the pipettor is upright. After 15 s, remove the pipettor.

At this time, a small amount of solution will remain at the tip of the pipettor, because the volume of the pipettor was not calculated, so do not use external force to make this solution into the receiving instrument.

Notices On The Operation of Pipettor
After the liquid level is put forward, the liquid stained on the outer wall of the pipettor should be erased with filter paper; and when you looking at the scale, the scale of the pipettor should be parallel to the eye, whichever is the lowest. Above are some notices on the operation of pipettors.

