
HAWACH To Discuss How to Remove Residue And Make Full Use Of Pipettor

 A pipettor is a measuring tool that transfers liquid from the original container to another container within a certain range. Pipettor is often used for the pipetting of small or trace liquids in the laboratory, which is widely used in biology, chemistry, and other fields. Also, because of its simple basic structure and convenient usage, it is widely used in clinical laboratories.

Though the shapes produced by different manufacturers are also slightly different, the working principle and operation method are basically the same. Its basic structure mainly includes several parts such as a display window, volume adjustment part, piston, O-ring, straw, and suction head.

How to remove residue from the pipettor
We need to clean it thoroughly after each use, so as not to cause trouble for our next use, but sometimes we find that there are many residues that are not easy to remove. The method HAWACH discusses today will allow you to easily handle these residual liquids.

1. Remove the dropper injection sleeve
Gently hold the dropper ejector, insert the special tool provided by the pipettor, lock the mechanical structure, carefully loosen the dropper ejector, take out the dropper ejector and the sleeve.

2. Remove the dropper cone.
Use the provided special tools to carefully loosen the dropper cone counterclockwise with the wrench end; loosen the dropper cone counterclockwise by hand.

Advanced Half Autoclave Single-Channel Adjustable Pipettes

3. Disassemble the parts.
Remove the dropper cone, the suction pipe piston, and the spring. If a filter is installed, remove the filter.
4. The disassembled parts are immersed and disinfected.
Put the dropper cone, dropper thimble, dropper thimble sleeve, pipettor piston, O-ring, and spring into a beaker containing biological disinfectant and soak for at least 30 minutes.

5. Dry the removed parts.
Take out the dropper cone, the dropper thimble sleeve, and the straw piston from the beaker, rinse them repeatedly with distilled water and then dry them with hot air for more than 1 hour.

6. Maintenance and installation of various parts.
Re-apply lubricating oil to the suction cylinder piston according to the requirements of the operation manual, check other parts, and replace the wearing parts, such as replacing the new filter. Follow the reverse steps to reassemble the electronic pipettor.

After completing the cleaning and biological disinfection of the pipettor, pay attention to check the possible wear of the O-ring, check at least every 6 times, and replace if necessary, and calibrate the instrument after replacement.

How to make full use of the pipettor
1. Choose and use the right tip
To ensure better accuracy and precision, it is recommended that the pipetting volume is within the range of 35% -100% of the tip.
2. Installation of tips
For most brands of pipettors, especially multi-channel pipettors, installing the tip is not easy. In order to get good sealing, operators need to insert the pipettor handle into the tip and then tighten it by turning it left or right or shaking it forward. Some will use a pipettor to repeatedly hit the tip to tighten it, but this operation will cause the tip to deform and affect the accuracy. In serious cases, the pipettor will be damaged, so such operations should be avoided. Multi-channel pipettors do not have O-rings, operators can achieve the ideal seal with a single press.

3. Tip immersion angle and depth
The immersion angle of the suction head is controlled within 20 degrees of inclination, and it is better to keep it vertical. The recommended immersion depth of the suction head is as follows:

Specifications of pipettorsimmersion depth of the suction head
2µL and 10µL1 mm
20µL and 100µL2-3 mm
200µL and 1000µL3-6 mm
5000 µL and 10mL6-10 mm

4. Tip cleaning
For normal temperature samples, the tip cleaning can help improve accuracy; however, for high or low-temperature samples, the tip cleaning can reduce the accuracy of the operation. Please pay special attention to it.

5. Pipetting speed
The pipetting operation should keep smooth and proper aspiration speed; excessively fast pipetting speed will easily cause the sample to enter the sleeve, damage to the piston and seal ring, and cross-contamination of the sample.

6. Tips for using pipettors
1) Keep the correct posture during pipetting; do not hold the pipettor tightly at all times, use a pipettor with finger hooks to help relieve hand fatigue; change hands frequently if possible.
2) Check the pipettor sealing condition regularly. Once the seal is found to be aging or leaking, the seal ring must be replaced in time.
3) Perform 1-2 corrections on the pipettor every year (depending on the frequency of use).
4) For most pipettors, apply a layer of lubricant to the piston before and after a period of use to maintain tightness. For regular range pipettors, they can have ideal tightness without lubricant.

HAWACH To Discuss How to Remove Residue And Make Full Use Of Pipettor

