
FAQ of SPE Cartridge

There is no doubt that there are lots of various problems shown in the use of the SPE cartridge. In particular, several typical problems would be analyzed below, which could be greatly useful for operators and future customers.
Low Recovery Rate
Usually, two main reasons will cause the result of a low recovery rate.
The first one is that the sample remains insufficient on the filler – the actual detection concentration of the sample solution and the eluent exceeds 5%. no matter the excessive elution strength of the solution, the dry cartridge or high volume of the sample solution would all cause the insufficient sample.
The second reason is that the sample is not completely eluted. Either improving the eluting strength or the eluent volume would solve this problem.
Poor Reproducibility
The following situations could trigger the occurrence of poor reproducibility, including the poor matrix removal effect, sample blockage phenomenon, the fast flow rate, and human operation error. To change the pre-processing method is a clever move to better reproducibility.
Poor purification effect.
A permanent way to improve the purification effect is definitely to choose the most suitable SPE cartridge. Besides, operators could also change the pretreatment method used or eluent strength. To conduct the proper SPE operation is also necessary.

