
Proper Use Of Vacuum Pump

The working pressure of the diaphragm vacuum pump shall meet the requirements of the ultimate vacuum and working pressure of the vacuum equipment. For example, a vacuum drying process requires a working vacuum of 10mmHg, and the ultimate vacuum of the selected diaphragm vacuum pump should be at least 2mmHg, preferably 1mmHg. Generally, the ultimate vacuum of the selected pump is half to an order of magnitude higher than the operating vacuum of the vacuum equipment.
Correctly select the operating point of the diaphragm vacuum pump. Each pump has a certain working pressure range, such as 2BV series water ring diaphragm vacuum pump working pressure range of 760mmHg~25mmHg(absolute pressure), in such a wide pressure range, pump pumping speed changes with pressure (refer to the pump performance curve for detailed changes), its stable working pressure range of 760~60mmHg. Therefore, the pump operating point should be selected in this range is more appropriate, and can not let it in 25~30mmHg long-term work.
The diaphragm vacuum pump in its working pressure should be able to discharge all the gas produced in the process of vacuum equipment.
Properly combine the diaphragm vacuum pump. Because the diaphragm vacuum pump has selective extraction, so, sometimes choose a pump can not meet the requirements of extraction, several pumps need to be combined, a mutual supplement to meet the requirements of extraction.

