
Some Features And Selection Tips Of Mechanical Pipette

Generally, pipette can be categorized into two types: mechanical pipette and electronic pipette. However, we will see more mechanical pipettes sold on the market than the electronic pipettes. Similarly, the mechanical pipette also can be classified into 3 types: Standard series, Advanced series and Advanced Plus series.
Standard series and advanced series are semi-sterilized, while advanced plus series are fully sterilized, so plus series are more recommended for biology application.
All tip parts are made of PVDF, not suction.
Each manual pipette can be divided into single-channel range adjustable, single-channel fixed range adjustable, 8-channel range adjustable and 12-channel range adjustable.
The Manual pipette is designed to provide comfort and quality for daily operations. It pays more attention to humanization and durability. This kind of pipette combines durable construction, ease of use, and portability, making it the best choice for professionals. In addition, a mechanical pipette has a wide range of pipettes, including a fixed range pipette, for applications that require a preset capacity to avoid measurement error.
Multi-channel range adjustable: fast work-flow; adjustable spacing between the suction heads; prevent unexpected shifts.
Single-channel range adjustable: low resistance(easy to control); comfort;corrosion resistance; autoclave sterilization.
How to Operate Mechanical Pipette
First of all, do remember not to set the knob beyond the measuring range, otherwise, the internal mechanical units will be got stuck and thus damage the pipette.

